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  • Category: [About DotNetSpider]

    Few moments with Meetu Choudhary -- DotNetSpider MVM

    Hello DNS'ians,

    Meetu Choudhary is a Diamond member who joined DNS on 19th September, 2008. She is c urrently working in SAG Infotech Pvt. Ltd. a Company in Pink city Jaipur.. as a Team Leader. She has suggested few improvements to DotNetSpider website. An MCA graduate, Meetu choudhary has been an active member in DotNetSpider and provided a number of articles for begininers in .NET and given valid answers to the questions in the forum. She has received a number of prizes and certificates from DotNetSpider which include Semi Annual Super Gift also. Now Meetu Choudhary is an editor of DotNetSpider website.

    She was awarded with DotNetSpider MVM award recently in April, 2009. We had an interview with her to get her views on DotNetSpider and her message to DotNetSpider members. Here is the interview we had with her.

    Please tell us about yourself?

    Presently I am a Sr. Web Developer in pink city Jaipur. I have started my carrier as a trainee when I was in the second year of my graduation and facing lots of challenges in my working life of 4+ years to attain present position. Development is my passion I always try to share my knowledge with others.

    How did you get into DotNetSpider community?

    One day I was facing a problem related to my work, I have tried to search this on many search engines but didn't find a relevant answer. Fortunately I got a link of Dotnetspider. I never forgot these questions:

    How to copy a selection from a DataGridView to another DataGridView?
    How To Add Data in DataBase Using DataTable?

    Due to them I am here.

    What motivated you to contribute in DotNetSpider?

    I still remeber... I didn't get the answers of my questions but I was bored and being a bit lazy to find the answers. I started giving answers.. and soon my member level and recognition points started increasing and members started recognizing me by my name. I got Editor Choice award followed by many other and now too we are talking only bcz I get one more award from DNS... Thanks a Lot..

    How much time do you spend on Technical communities to help

    Depends.. on the time .. whenever I am free or get some time I start preparing some articles or answers to threads... These Days I am bit busy with my new Challenges as soon as I win I will write a good descriptive article to help others.

    How are you balancing your Work life with your contribution in Technical Communities?

    Well that the question whose answer even I don't know probably its the inner zeal of mine towards helping others and learning more by solving others problem. Rest is the blessings of my parents and love of the community members

    Please share with us your journey of becoming an DNS-MVM?

    My journey of becoming an DNS-MVM is quite interesting from my point of view. As I think I am the member who is recognized as good and bad for the same work.. there was a time in DNS when I was quiet popular in all the sections of DNS then some members of DNS tried to pull me back there were humors about me in the DNS and those humors made me to make a promise to me that I will achieve the biggest award in the DNS the one is fulfilled

    Few words about DotNetSpider?

    DNS is one of the most precious Friend and partner of mine...
    I have learnt a lot here.. shared a lot...

    What are your career goals?

    One Long term goal is : I have to achieve a position where I have Name in the world.. My Parents can feel proud of me.

    Best moment in DotNetSpider tenure?

    Lots of the unforgettable moments:

    1. When I received my first award.
    2. When I become Diamond Level member
    3. When I become an Editor.
    4. When my name is added in DNS- about us page as a webmaster
    5. When I become DNS-MVM
    6. When I am sharing this all with you

    Now which is best I don't know but all are unforgettable

    Any message to technologists and suggestions to make DotNetSpider as World's number one Technical Site?

    Be original and must mind our own work what we are doing rather than what others are doing for this there are editors and webmasters.

    Hope this interview will be useful to all members.

    Thank you
  • #381856
    Cool stuff. Best wishes to conquer your new challenges and get back to rockin DNS.

    I couldn't find the DNS about us page ?

    Kind regards,
    DNS Web-master, DNS MVM
    My blog

  • #381860

    Nice interview

    (AnjuSoft India Pvt ltd)

  • #381870
    Nice interview Meetu Choudhary.



  • #381883
    A cool interview,
    keep the spirit up!

    Thanks & regards,
    Gaurav Kumar Arora
    Site Coordinator - DNS
    My blog -

  • #381902

    Best Wishes for your future..

    Thanks & Regards,
    Deepika - Sr. Editor
    Webmaster, GujaratSpider
    "Experience is the name everyone gives to his mistakes"

  • #381922
    Congrats Meethu...
    Thanks & Regards,
    Danasegarane Arunachalam

  • #381993

  • #382140

    So you are blatantly pointing out to the editors,webmasters and people of DotNetSpider as fools(?), since they have been appreciating Meetu with awards, recognition and responsibilities.

    BTW, I totally disagree with you. And I won't be suprised if you are the only one here with that opinion.

    Kind regards,
    DNS Web-master, DNS MVM
    My blog

  • #382599

    Nice meetuji..

    Keep contributing like this.

    Thanks & Regards


  • #382796

    Congratulations meetu.
    Keep it up.

    DNS MVM and .Net Guru
    Team Lead at CirrusCloud Systems
    Thanks and Regards,
    Abhay Kumar Raut

  • #382849

    Nice interview!

    Keep rocking!

    Have a great day!

    Thanks and Regards,
    Babu Akkandi

  • #382863

    Congrats Meetu.


  • #382909
    WOW !!!

    Great interview and so inspiring...

    All the very best Meetu :)

    Pradeep Iyer

  • #383955
    Thank You All for your valuable comments
    Thanks and Regards
    Miss Meetu Choudhary (Site Coordinator)
    Go Green Save Green

  • #403652
    Good interview. I got more information about Miss Meetu Choudhary.


    Abhisek Panda
    Be Happy And Make Others Happy.
    Go Green and Save Your Future.

  • #412726
    Hi Miss Meetu,
    I have just registered myself two days back and the first name i got hold of is urs. i read your answers and thought they were very polished and helpful. all the best in your new challenges and the work you do for DNS.
    Nice work. we are inspired by you

  • #430240
    Nice interview..



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