1. Input and Output parameters in plugins I/p: - InputParameters will have the parameters of the request message which triggered the event. - Inputparameters - Two key – Target and OptionalParameters o/p: - OutputParameters will have the properties of the response message - Output parameter should be registered on Post-Operation. If the step is registered as Pre-Validation or as Pre-Operation, then the Output parameters will always be null even if we try to set them in the plugin. 2. Secure and Unsecure config. In plugins 3. Depths and Images in plugins 4. Abstraction and Interface Explanation with plugin and custom workflow code 5. Difference between custom workflow and plugin When we are using Plugin we have a number of triggers availble (called as Steps/Message) to trigger the plugin execution, Where Custom workflows are triggered by standard workflows available in CRM, that make the custom workflow triggers limited(Create, Update, Status Change, Delete and On assign). Workflows and by extension, custom workflow activities, execute totally asynchronously. Plugins can execute both asynchronously and synchronously. Plugin overall execution time is lesser then workflows and if validations are required to be performed then plugins should be preffered. Workflows can be manually executed, or automatically triggered by selected events. Workflows can be limited to automatically execute within specific organizational scopes (ie. Org, BU, Parent and Child BUs, or for the Owner only). Plugins are always triggered by the messages to which they’re subscribed, though some Messages allow limiting execution based on whether certain attributes have been passed into the Message. Workflows can be turned off (by unpublishing). Plugins are always on. Custom workflow activities can be used in many Workflows. Workflows can be developed through the Workflow design interface. Plugins must be developed in Visual Studio. Workflows do not require compiling (though custom workflow activities do). Plugins and custom workflow activities must be compiled and deployed through processes external to CRM. 6. Query Expressions 7. Managed solution and unmanaged solutions with an example 8. How to delete an entity or components from a managed solution? 9. D365 Modules 10. Custom Workflow with example 11. Security Architecture in CRM 12. Synchronous and Asynchronous - Plugins & Workflows 13. Data Migration and Integration 14. Web API 15. Difference between SOAP and REST? 16. Plugin impersonation 17. I have an account with a contact and I am sharing the account with a user. The user has permissions for account but not for contact. What value will be displayed in the primary contact lookup for the shared user? 18. SSRS Reports 19. New features in D365 20. Use of Virtual entity 21. Event execution pipeline 22. Cascading in Relationships 23. How to Connect CRM with Power BI 24. Power BI Dashboards 25. Temp. Tables =========================================================================================================================== ? Managed solution and unmanaged solutions ? How to delete an entity from a managed solution? ? CRM Modules (New Modules in D365) ? Custom Workflow (Entire Process) ? BPF ? How to send a mail from BPF? ? Security Architecture in CRM ? Synchronous and Asynchronous - Plugins & Workflows ? Data Migration and Integration (tools for integration) ? Web API ? Difference between SOAP and REST? ? Plugin impersonation ? Security roles and Field level security ? I have an account with a contact and I am sharing the account with a user. The user has permissions for account but not for contact. What value will be displayed in the primary contact lookup for the shared user? ? SSRS Reports ? New features in D365 ? Virtual entity ? Event execution pipeline ? Cascading in Relationships ? Input and Output parameters in plugins ? OData query for entity whose entity name is numeric value